My Journey to $10K/Month in Book Royalties

Four years ago, I embarked on a journey that would change my life forever. I started my first successful Amazon KDP business, which I grew to a quarter of a million dollars in book royalties. While most people know that Amazon KDP offers incredible opportunities for time freedom and financial success, what they don’t realize is the amount of time and effort required to create a thriving business that allows you to live the life you desire.

The question is, is it possible to achieve this level of success while working a full-time 9-to-5 job? The answer might surprise you. In this article, I’ll reveal the steps and strategies I used to build my Amazon KDP business while juggling a full-time job. I’ll share how I balanced research, marketing, and content creation with my limited time, and what you can expect if you’re aiming to do the same, especially considering the evolving landscape of Amazon KDP.


The Challenges and Setbacks

My journey to success on Amazon KDP was far from straightforward. Before diving into the world of KDP, I tried numerous business models, from dropshipping to print-on-demand and even faceless YouTube channels. Despite my efforts, I failed miserably at each attempt.

Even when I finally started with Amazon KDP in late 2019, I struggled for years to achieve the results I desired. At the time, I was balancing my KDP endeavors with being a university student, and later, a full-time employee. Every spare hour outside of my job was dedicated to grinding and building my Amazon KDP business, which I believed was the best approach. However, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

The Turning Point

After months of relentless work, I found myself completely burnt out and unable to face the thought of Amazon KDP. I had hit the lowest point in my life, isolating myself from the things and people I loved, all in the name of building my business. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I realized that this approach, often glorified on social media, is not the most effective way to build an online business in 2024.

About two years into my journey, a crucial realization dawned on me: I was investing far too much of my time and not nearly enough of my money into my Amazon KDP business. As a full-time employee, I had a disposable income that I could reinvest into my venture. Although it wasn’t a substantial amount, it made a significant difference.

Leveraging Freelancers and Outsourcing

By outsourcing tasks that I found exhausting to freelancers who could do them faster, better, and cheaper than I valued my own time, my business began to flourish. I was putting in fewer hours, but my money was working for me, and my business grew exponentially. The defining moment came in December 2021 when I earned five times my monthly wage from a single book on Amazon KDP. It was then that I realized I needed to pursue this path full-time.

It’s important to note that I wasn’t a writer or a designer; I simply wanted to generate passive income online like many others. However, when I started four years ago, there was limited information available on Amazon KDP compared to today. I had to go through years of trial and error, learning valuable lessons along the way.

The Key Lessons for Success on Amazon KDP

1. Focus on Medium Content Books

One of the most significant changes I made was shifting my focus from low-content books to medium-content books. Many online gurus advise creating low-quality, low-content books, which might have worked a few years ago when competition was scarce. However, with the increased competition in the market today, this approach is no longer viable.

Medium-content publishing combines the benefits of both low-content and high-content publishing, allowing you to create high-quality books that are difficult for competitors to replicate while remaining simple and cost-effective to produce. This is why I strongly believe that medium-content publishing is the future of Amazon KDP, especially for those looking to build a business without draining their resources and time.

2. Leverage Freelancers and Paid Software

Another crucial lesson I learned was to leverage freelancers and paid software. By investing money into my business rather than just my time, my Amazon KDP results skyrocketed. While hard work is essential, it’s crucial to focus your efforts on the right areas and leverage your money for low-value tasks.

I classify niche research and keyword research as high-value tasks, so I suggest focusing your time on these while using paid software like Helium 10 to streamline the process. For low-value tasks like formatting or basic book content research, outsource the work to freelancers who can do it faster, better, and cheaper than you value your time.

Additionally, investing in Amazon ads is another way to use your money to drive book sales on KDP. A proper Amazon ad strategy is essential for building a successful business, and I have several videos on my channel that delve into this topic in more detail.

3. Effective Time Management and Organization

The third significant change I made was improving my time management and organization, which is crucial when working a 9-to-5 job while building a KDP business. Ensure that the time you spend on your Amazon KDP business is fully optimized by focusing on high-value tasks that require specialist knowledge, such as keyword research and niche research. Outsource low-value tasks that don’t require a high level of skill.

If you’re working a 9-to-5 job, I highly recommend blocking out specific time to focus on your KDP business. This may seem obvious, but it makes a substantial difference. By physically blocking time in your calendar, you know exactly what you need to do during that time, and every minute spent working is optimized.

The Timeline for Success

Building a successful Amazon KDP business takes time, as it is a source of passive income that requires assets to gain momentum in the algorithm. It takes time for your books to accumulate reviews and for Amazon to start pushing them to the right customers. Expecting overnight results will only lead to disappointment; instead, focus on building your business brick by brick.

In my case, it took about a year after implementing the strategies mentioned in this article to consistently achieve high four and five-figure monthly earnings. However, with the knowledge I have today, I believe I could have accomplished this in half the time. Nowadays, nearly every book I create is a successful seller, whereas in the beginning, many of my books didn’t sell a single copy as I was still learning the process.

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Applying These Lessons to Your Own Life

If you’re currently working a 9-to-5 job or attending school or university and want to apply these lessons to your own life, here’s how I would approach it:

  1. Optimize your schedule and lifestyle to create the time and energy needed to make your business a success. Structure your work sessions, focusing on high-value tasks and outsourcing low-value tasks.
  2. Use the income from your 9-to-5 job to outsource low-value tasks to people who can do them faster, better, and more cost-effectively. Invest in Amazon ads and KDP software to make your life easier and allow you to focus on the essential aspects of your business.
  3. Ensure that every decision you make in your KDP business is data-driven. Utilize KDP software, Amazon search results, and other available data to inform your decisions. Create books that people want to buy by analyzing real-world data.
  4. Create a strategy that works around your life. What worked for me may not necessarily work for you, as everyone has different resources and commitments. Take a step back, assess your current situation, and develop a tailored strategy based on your unique variables.

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Here is why you should start Amazon KDP Business

  • Passive Income: Once your books are published, they can generate income continuously without the need for active involvement.
  • Flexible Schedule: Self publishing allows you to work on your own terms, whether it’s part-time alongside other commitments or as a full-time endeavor.
  • Low Startup Costs: Compared to traditional publishing, the costs of self-publishing on Amazon KDP are minimal, making it accessible to aspiring authors with limited resources.
  • Creative Control: You have full control over the content, cover design, pricing, and marketing strategies of your books, allowing you to express your creativity and vision freely.
  • Global Reach: Amazon’s vast international market ensures that your books can reach readers all around the world, expanding your audience and potential sales opportunities.
  • Diverse Revenue Streams: In addition to e-books, you can also publish paperback and hardcover versions of your books, as well as audio books, maximizing your revenue potential.
  • Scalability: As you gain experience and build your catalog, you can scale your self-publishing business by adding more titles and exploring new genres and niches.



Building a successful Amazon KDP business while working a 9-to-5 job is achievable with the right strategies and mindset. By focusing on medium-content books, leveraging freelancers and paid software, and effectively managing your time and organization, you can create a thriving business that allows you to live the life you desire.

Remember, success on Amazon KDP takes time and effort, but by implementing these lessons and creating a personalized strategy that works for your unique situation, you can achieve the financial freedom and time freedom you’ve always dreamed of.

By Noyon

2 thoughts on “How I Grew a $10K/Month Amazon KDP Business While Juggling a Full-Time Job”
    1. Thank you! I’m glad you liked the points made. There’s certainly a lot to explore on this subject, and I appreciate your interest. If you ever want to dive deeper into any specific aspect, feel free to reach out!

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